Give us a sign…

20160910_165704 Peter from Charquer 27, two kilometers up the valley, made a new sign to replace one that disappeared recently from the junction on the main road. He kindly made one for «El Parral» as well.  Looks good.

As I said in the last blog post, it is going to be a bit slow for a while: now the new school year has begun I have to give my attention mainly to work for a while. However, it is now part-time work, three days a week, so I still have one foot in the holidays and one foot in work!  Whenever I had a day off from school with some illness (usually a cold caught from snivelling children…) I spent much of the day looking at the clock thinking, «What are they doing now?»  As I try to get accustomed to my new part-time routine, I can’t help thinking about the school day I’m missing.

20160916_125137I filled in the forms for the Pensions Agency and sent them off to Wolverhampton yesterday.  After sending the important heavy brown envelope registered mail at Finestrat Correos, I had a coffee and a croissant jn a local bar to celebrate the occasion. Last year I couldn’t help thinking of that Beatles song «When I’m sixty-four.»  It didn’t seem possible in Ibiza in the 1960s, when I listened to that song on my little transistor radio, that I would ever reach such an age. Now friends say to me, «I can’t believe you’re sixty-five.»

Oh well, I just hope the Pensions Agency believes me…


4 respuestas a “Give us a sign…

  1. Jabba, I had a message from Fatima a few days ago. She said that she had taken a look at Mundabor and Eccles again, after many months not doing so, and it was the same old thing. What did I think?

    I replied, «All that seems like another lifetime. Here an eagle soars over the hill opposite making screeching cries to its mate. Donks chase each other around the field, kicking up more dust for me to hose off the solar panels. And I’m enjoying this on a Friday thanks to part-time working. Mundabor… Eccles… Who they?»

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