Vocation week reflections

We have been reflecting, the donks and I, since Mass on Vocation Sunday.

Those of you Catholics, Orthodox and Anglicans who visit this blog, please pray for discernment here. It is a time of looking, praying and hoping.

Due to the ongoing stalker situation, as already stated, no further details can be published. Happy to answer regular long-term blog followers* and I will explain all current hopes and plans.

*Comments display sender’s email address. I can simply reply to you by email and not provide details of my plans here on the blog at present.  (A great nuisance but a necessary precaution. Stalkers are a flaming menace!)

UPDATE: A better idea: I shall provide a password protected area of the blog with all news about my plans here. I will email the password to all regulars. Of you don’t receive it send a comment and I will email you. Announcement on this in next blog post. The normal blogposts will just be donkey chatter and not contain anything that will interest the stalker.

Jim of Olym… thanks for the Sophrony link. Perfectly in tune with my present project. Will get back to you by email.

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